About The Tree of Us Family Trees

Artist Judy Y. Meyer

Judy Y. Meyer is an accomplished artist who has shown in galleries and art festivals, and has taught fine arts for the last 30 years. Her materials of choice are acrylics, watercolor, colored pencils and collage. She received her BA in Art Education and a Master of Fine Arts in Painting. Judy was born in New York, spent some time in Colorado, and is now living in Florida.

The art work Judy creates covers a large gamut of styles and subject matter. "My inspiration comes from the strength and beauty in nature; the organic forms, the luscious colors, the drama of light and shadow, and the softness of the 'growing things' against the hardness of ancient rock." What remains steadfast is her love of painting in a unique manner that creates beauty, light and energy.

Dale Hannan

Dale Hannan became her family's historian out of a love of history and a curiosity about her roots. This interest allowed her to become an interviewer for Stephen Spielberg's 'Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation', recording experiences of individual survivors of the Holocaust so that their histories could be immortalized.She received both a BS and MS in Psychology, majoring in Gerontology.

Dale was born in Massachusetts, grew up in Ohio, lived in Florida for many years, and now resides in Colorado.


History of The Tree of Us

In 2002, when Dale Hannan was about to become a grandmother for the first time, she called upon her good friend, Judy Meyer, to paint a tree to fill in with the baby's family names. Requests poured in from those who saw the finished product, and The Tree of Us was born. Ten beautifully painted trees later, with more ideas on the way, our trees continue to excite and delight.
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